Tubular Lanyard [B2B Only] WhatsApp
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Tubular Lanyard

SKU: AW0404


  • 10mm / 12mm / 15mm Width Options
  • Water-Resistant, 900mm Length Polyester Fabric Material
  • Customisable Attachment Options:-
    - Buckle / Snap Hook / Pull Reel / Card Holder Attachments
  • Silk Screen Printing Only (Up To 3 Colours)
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     25 Jun 2015
     28 May 2014
    Of climbers application and safety technology by the usage of tubular webbing, this was a woven complex of polyester material fabric that enables high-tensile strength, carrying loads of a heft in which traditional jute (or straw) rope can't handle, that would it not be ironic having said if this sort of polymer usage is seen among the everyday carry (EDC)? And seemingly odd would this wearable be, in the case of the tubular lanyard, which is seen being daily used.

    That reason is simple, and it's that one other factor actually bore beneficial qualities that could be vested into the neck strap. It was the notion of having a comfortable feel with smooth-like surface which drew the said synthetic fabric into the making of a tube lanyard. This coincidentally is found to be the very same property that is related to the shoelace polyester, and it's utilised due to the absence of a material edge.

    And coupled with the intricate, woven-based tubular webbing found as the laniard's base - which is made flat, fringes remain generally unseen within the tubular neck strap while imposing a strong elastic property upon wield. To this design, it's savvy enough for the convenience of having keys, badge holders and ID cards rested on the chest, while a buttress width for advertising sake were chosen for printed lanyards bulk.

    Yet one contrary still holds true that takes a leeway angle of marketing the tubular camera strap against the ever popular, higher quality forms of a polymer that is the nylon lanyard, as well as cutting aside the luxury of an RFID ID. It was the thought of UDesignConcept introducing the tubular lanyard amid prioritising a cost-friendly alternative opinionated for the general company masses when preparing a corporate gift.

    And this was same interest further thought of by its creator and industrial chemist, Wallace Carothers, having dismiss the ideation of using premium rated materials being used for basic necessity; that in-line of functionalities high prioritised among daily wear, then the tube lanyard under polyester as a synthetic fibre is more than enough. Afterall, having hold up to a weight of a phone, as well as ID cards wouldn't break this polymer in a normal basis.

    Tubular Custom Lanyard Making

  • 10mm, 12mm and 15mm chooseable width options.
  • Customisable card holder with hard plastic lanyard tag, PU (Polyurethane) leather, transparent plastic, transparent PVC or even Rigid ID card cover.
  • selectable hook types (standard, crocodile, J-style, oval, phone string, or even slide hook).

  • The organic chemistry of polyester webbing was first pioneered successfully inside a DuPont laboratory, and now at the point of development into today's tubular lanyard, sights of personalising into various lengths can be catered due to mass production advancement. Seen with this lanyard supplier are 10mm, 12mm and 15mm chooseable dimensions featured, yet a great note of purchasing mentioning is that higher width spells for greater tension holding. On the other hand, the shorter breadth of a tube lanyard can be opted for pre-school kids, whereas the latter standards of a camera strap may be bargained for working purposes.

    Considering that this laniard is geared towards corporate gifts usage, various customisable features can be asked and adjusted according to an administrator's preferences. This is also known to be as 'custom lanyard,' as it's tailor-made to a corporate's needs and that the camera strap can be different against another.

    Choose from a range of badge holders, from a lanyard tag of hard plastic, to polyurethane leather or even having a rigid ID card cover, this is offered in the midst of branding the tubular neck strap to fit a corporate's campaign. And even more with selectable hook types that determines how your badge holder becomes attached, the aforementioned clasp choices for the camera strap are stainless steel in material to resist against the abrasions of seasons.

    Tubular Lanyard Printing

  • Silk screen printing method only.
  • Up to 3 colours for branding objectivity.
  • West Malaysia-wide shipping.

  • A custom logo may be introduced for the purpose of spreading wearable awareness, or what is appropriately coined to be as walking advertisement, and this is achieved whenever the tubular lanyard is worn in the public space - by lunch breaks, or having clientele meetings, that the camera strap reminds bypassers of its enterprise presence. In that token is often a dualistic gesture; one that appreciates employees by introducing a gifted accessory for hands-free application, and another which is a compulsory attire of having the laniard being worn amid office environments. In the latter's case, the tubular camera strap is used to authenticate the staff by showing his/her identity.

    Another interesting suggestion that's found is empowering sales personnel with the tube lanyard. Thus in the outbounds of work, the staff in uniform is shown to be representing the institute from the wear of a neck strap.

    In designing up to the corporation's identity, a multicolor lanyard can be produced out of the neck strap. A cap of three hues may be imprinted onto the sides, and this can be altered towards seasonal campaigning interest also. Silk screen printing is the sole stamping technology found with UDesignConcept - as a lanyard printing vendor, for serigrpahy (a synonym of silk screen stmaping) is known to be longer-lasting than the heat transfer counterpart.

    The tubular lanyard may only be bulk purchased, under the shipping services of West Malaysia only.
    Weight (In Grams) 13g (Based Off 12mm As A Standard Size)
    Body Material Tube-Stitched Polyester Fabric Material
    Dimensions (mm) (Length x Width) 900mm Length x 10mm / 12mm / 15mm Width Options
    Snap Hook Type(s) Standard Metal Hook / Crocodile Hook / J Hook / Oval Hook / Slide Hook
    Attachment(s) Customisable Options (Buckle Attachment, Chooseable Snap Hooks, Pull Reel & Card Holder Types)
    Printing Method Three Max Colouring With Silk Screen Printing Only
    Buckle Attachment Type(s) Full Metal / Half Metal / Plastic Detachable Buckle
    Card Holder Option(s) Lanyard Tag / PU (Polyurethane) Leather / Transparent Plastic / Transparent PVC / Rigid Card Holder